This is also the case for dragging code from other places like the navigator on the left hand side, or from the Code Manager. If you drop one code on top of another, the two will be exchanged. By holding down the Ctrl-key, you can copy the code while still leaving it attached to the segment it is associated with. You can easily grab it and drag it to another segment, thereby moving the code. However, there is more you can do with codes in the margin. If you click on a code, the corresponding data segment is displayed the same way in all programs. This hyperlink feature is unique to ATLAS.ti. Jump directly to the linked segment and even open linked documents side-by-side. If you click on a hyperlink, the linked data segment is displayed (or even played, in case of audio and video data). And all objects in the margin area are interactive and have their own context menus. links between data segments) and attached memos in addition to codes. The margin area is a significant part of ATLAS.ti – not merely a display for coding stripes, as found in NVivo.

Supported Monday to Friday 8am–6pm (excluding bank holidays and university closure days).If you start ATLAS.ti and load a document, one immediate visible difference is the ATLAS.ti margin area.

There is no cost to the user for this service. The Software can be downloaded by Queen Mary University staff and students as per above link. The licence key can be obtained from the IT Services (see Support below) Lead time Uncover subtle connections, rigorously justify findings, and effortlessly share your work. Get the big picture of get into the detail. Quickly interrogate data using powerful search, query and visualization tools.

NVivo is a platform for analysing all forms of unstructured data. It has been designed for qualitative researchers working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required. NVivo is a qualitative data analysis (QDA) computer software package produced by QSR International. Service Group: Help, Support, and Policy Service.Software - Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) - Nvivo